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1. BSCI验厂审核类型

1) BSCI 社会责任审核是企业社会责任审核的一种。

2) 通常审核类型(通知审核、不预先通知审核或半通知审核)由客户的具体要求而定。

3) 若在首次审核后需要跟进审核,跟进审核必须安排在 12 个月内(从上一次审核算起)。

4) 每个 BSCI 审核必须有一个相关联的客户并且该客户是 BSCI 会员,每次审核结果必须上载

到 BSCI 新平台以便所有 BSCI 成员共享。

5) BSCI 审核不出具证书。

2. BSCI验厂审核范围

1)对于首次审核,需要提供过去 12 个月的工作时间记录和工资记录;对于跟进审核,工厂应



3. BSCI验厂审核内容

审核的主要容分为以下 13 个绩效区域:

P. 1: 供应链管理及级联效应

P. 2: 工人参与和保护

P. 3: 结社自由与集体谈判权

P. 4: 不歧视

P. 5: 公平报酬

P. 6: 体面劳动时间

P. 7: 职业健康与安全

P. 8: 不雇用童工

P. 9: 保护青年工人

P.10: 无缺乏保障就业

P.11 : 无强迫劳动

P.12: 保护环境

P.13: 道德的商业行为

4. 审核的主要方法

a. 管理人员访谈

b. 现场审核

c. 文件审核

d. 工人访谈

e. 工人代表访谈

5. Main Documents List:主要文件清单

0 Overview of Auditee 工厂概况

Business license

0.1 营业执照

Factory profile/Employee No.& structure/Production capability/(Brands)Marketing

0.2 公司概括简介-人员/产量/产值/(品牌)市场分布

Organization chart

0.3 公司组织架构图-(相关人员名片)

Factory floor plans

0.4 (公司)厂区/厂房平面图

1 Supply Chain Management and Cascade Effect 供应链管理及级联效应

Job descriptions in which the implementation of BSCI is included

1.1 BSCI 执行各岗位职位描述(包括 BSCI 负责人,EHS 负责人,人事负责人等)

Documentary evidence on production capacity planning

1.2 产能规划文件 (需提供最近的订单及规划过程供审核)

Evidence that the BSCI Code of Conduct and Terms of Implementation have been

distributed to significant business partners

1.3 BSCI 行为守则以及实施条款提供给商业伙伴的记录

Policy and records on selecting and monitoring auditee's supplier chain

1.4 工厂选择和管控其供应链的政策和记录

Signed BSCI Code of Conduct and relevant Terms of Implementation if farms are part of

the scope of the audit

1.5 农场签订的 BSCI 行为守则以及实施条款(仅适用于农场审核)

Evidence of business partners’ social performance (quarterly reports, audit reports,

valid certificates)

1.6 商业伙伴的社会责任表现情况(季报,审核报告,有效证书)

Evidence of qualifications of the person in charge of implementing BSCI

1.7 BSCI 负责人的任职资格证明

Documentary evidence of the social policy and procedures to implement BSCI

BSCI 社会责任政策和程序

2 Workers Involvement and Protection 工人参与和保护

Documentary evidence of the workers representative election

2.1 员工代表选举的文件记录

Documentary evidence of regularly scheduled workers meetings

2.2 定期员工会议的文件记录

Records of agreements with workers representatives

2.3 和员工代表签订的协议记录

Employment contracts including those related to security personnel, cleaning and other


2.4 劳动合同(包括相关保安,厨工,清洁工或其它提供服务的人员)

Job descriptions in which the implementation of BSCI is included

2.5 BSCI 执行各岗位职位描述(包括员工代表等)

Working rules

2.6 厂纪厂规

Evidence of a training calendar for workers and management

2.7 员工和管理层的培训计划

Documentary evidence of training given to workers, management and human resources

(e.g. list of attendees with signatures) and training material

2.8 员工,管理层和人力资源的培训记录和培训资料(例如,培训参加者签名等)

Documentary evidence of trainer competence

2.9 培训讲师能力证据

Long-term goals for protecting workers in line with the aspirations of the BSCI Code of


2.10 按照 BSCI 行为守则的期望明确保护工人的长期目标

Documentary evidence of grievances lodged/investigated (e.g. BSCI Template 8:

Grievance Mechanism filled in)

2.11 申诉系统的提出/调查记录

The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 结社自由与集体谈

3 判权

Documentary evidence of the workers representative election

3.1 员工代表选举记录(同 2.1)

Collective Bargaining Agreement (if applicable)

3.2 集体谈判协议(如适用)

Minutes or documents of meetings that led to the collective bargaining agreement (if


3.3 集体谈判协议前的会议沟通记录或文件(如适用)

Recruitment and dismissal procedures and records

3.4 招聘和离职的程序和记录

4 No Discrimination 不歧视

Necessary measures to avoid or eradicate discrimination in the workplace

4.1 在工作场所(车间)避免或消除歧视的措施

Documentary evidence on disciplinary procedures

4.2 纪律惩戒程序

Documentary evidence on disciplinary cases and the measures taken

4.3 纪律惩戒记录和采取措施

Documentary evidence of workers’ performance assessments and procedures

4.4 员工绩效评估程序和记录

Work contracts or agreements, including with recruitment agencies

4.5 员工劳动合同或协议,包括派遣工

Documentary evidence of grievances lodged/investigated (e.g. BSCI Template 8:

Grievance Mechanism filled in)

4.6 申诉系统的提出/调查记录(同 2.10)

5 Fair Remuneration 公平报酬

Documentary evidence of legal deductions for goods and services

5.1 合理扣款证明资料

Documentation on legal minimum wages relevant for the sector

5.2 法定最低工资文件

Documented collective bargaining agreement

5.3 集体谈判协议(同 3.2)

Pay slips for workers and documentary evidence of payments

5.4 员工工资记录

Fair remuneration quick-scan completed (BSCI Template 5: Fair Remuneration Quick


5.5 公平工资计算记录

Work contracts or agreements, including with recruitment agencies

5.6 员工劳动合同或协议,包括派遣工(同 4.4)

Personnel data files for all workers (including seasonal workers)

5.7 员工人事资料(包括季节工)

Documentary evidence of additional benefits (commercial insurance if applicable)

5.8 额外福利记录,例如,有薪年假,有薪法定假,病假工资等(商业保险,如适用)

Documentary evidence of updated contributions to social insurance funds

5.9 社会保险缴纳记录

Lists of wage ranges and calculations including for piece rate workers

5.10 计件员工的工资计算记录

6 Decent Working Hours 体面劳动时间

Documented working rules

6.1 厂纪厂规(同 2.6)

Pay slips for workers and documentary evidence of payments

6.2 员工工资记录(同 5.4)

Documentary evidence of the legal permanent exception covering the auditee’s industry

6.3 行业惯例的例外(综合计时批文等)

Working time records

6.4 员工工作时间记录

Documented overtime procedure including agreements with workers

6.5 员工自愿加班程序和协议

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